This is my first official photography blog. As a Visual Communication Technology major, I have to choose a specialty and as this blog suggests that specialization will be photography. I have been interested in taking photos ever since I was little and saw my dad and three brothers own and take their own photos. I will never forget my overabundant excitement when I was twelve and opened up my first digital camera on Christmas. I immediately started taking photos and needed a lot of AA batteries. This was before the chargeable batteries in digital cameras really took off. I kept taking photos, videos, and was a kid in a candy store. About a year later I was a new member in the theater department at my school. It was a president's day all day rehearsal, and being a very young crew member I didn't have a lot to do backstage. One day my director asked me if I wanted to take photos with his DSLR camera, I took over a thousand photos that day alone. He later told me that many of them were good photos and this only fed my addiction even more. From then on I knew I wanted a DSLR. After that two digital cameras and a waterproof camera later, I bought my DSLR this past summer after graduating high school. It was a Nikon D3200 and I am still learning and love playing with my great toy. Now that I am in college, taking real photography classes, and trying to get my face out in the corporate world for my career, I decided to start this blog. Hopefully anyone who looks will be as entertained by the photo as I was taking it. These posts will be periodical, about one or two a week depending, and will include a backstory of the photo I post. Even having my DSLR less than a year I already have many images that have some interesting backstories.
For Example: This first picture is from the very famous Times Square in New York City. During the summer of 2014 I went on a mission trip to Philadelphia with my youth group back home in Cincinnati. We had a free day in NYC as a treat at the end of the trip, and the last thing we saw was times square at night. It was quite a treat to say the least, and I was particularly happy to shoot some photos of all of those city lights. Only having my camera for a few weeks at this point I didn't know everything I was doing. I was experimenting with auto, auto no flash, and switching around with the manual controls and hoping it was in focus. Although not everything in the photo isn't in perfect focus, I am very happy with the various colors that came out. One day I hope to go back to the city with a more advanced lens than my default 18-55, and maybe a tripod. Until then, this is a favorite of mine.
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